
Literacy Program
This free program encourages you to read 1000 books with your child before they start kindergarten. Reading together helps to develop important pre-reading skills that provide a solid foundation for future school success.
1000 books sounds like a lot! How on Earth will I ever reach that?
It sounds like a lot, but it's super easy! If you read just one book a night, you will have read abut 365 books in a year. That is 730 books in two years and 1,095 books in three years. If you consider that most children start kindergarten at around five years of age, you have more time than you think!
Participation is Easy!
1. Register any child under the age of five at the library and receive a folder with your materials.
2. Read to your child!
3. Record the books you read.
4. Return to the library after every 100 books for book prizes and awards. Staff will mark off your reading progress.
5. Kids will get book prizes after 200, 500, and 800 books read.
6. After 1000 books, your child will get a special 1000 books prize!
Can I count books I read to my child before I registered?
No. The program begins when you register your child and you can only start counting after you register.
My child likes to read the same book over and over. How do I count that?
You mark off a square for every book you read. If you read the same book ten times, you color in ten squares.
Can I count books read at school, daycare, storytimes, etc?
Absolutely! Any book read by anybody counts!
Do books have to be library books? Can I use my own?
Any book you read counts, whether it's a library book, your own, a friend's, etc.
My child likes to listen to books on audio, tablets/ereaders, etc. Can I count them?
As long as your child listens to the whole book, it counts!