To read about the current construction and accompanying photos, visit the New Library page.
The Library and Community Center project has been re-bid. National Construction, Inc. (NCI) once again had the lowest bid at $3,487,102. This represents an increase over their 2019 bid of $181,299 or 5.48%.
Belleville's Community Development Authority (CDA) reviewed the bids at their February 5 meeting and has awarded the construction bid to NCI. Contract documents have been sent out for signature and a Pre-Construction Conference is being scheduled. NCI projects to have construction completed by December 31, 2020 with the library opening 6-8 weeks later following furniture installation and moving.
This construction bid does not include other expected costs from the Architect's Estimate of Cost such as architecture fees, moving, furniture, and signage. These costs are expected to be covered by the donated capital campaign funds with any remaining donations used to pay down the principle on the interim financing.
USDA has locked our financing rate at a maximum of 3%. If interest rates are lower at the time of closing, we would receive a lower rate.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Library Director Bronna Lehmann at 424-1812 or Village Administrator Brian Wilson at 424-3341.
We are moving again toward construction of the new Library and Community Center.
USDA Rural Development approved our loan application. A rep will be here next week to meet with Belleville’s Village Administrator and lawyer to sign the loan closing letter. This completes the steps necessary to authorize us to proceed with construction.
The Community Development Authority (CDA) of Belleville applied for this loan as part of their efforts to support redevelopment of a blighted area along the railroad corridor.
Given the amount of time which has passed during the loan application process, it became necessary to re-bid the project. Construction bids are due on January 30th for a Spring 2020 construction start. We expect the new Library and Community Center to open the following spring.
The bid notice can be found on the Village website.
This will be an exciting year as we watch the construction of our new Library and Community Center. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Library Director Bronna Lehmann at 424-1812 or Village Administrator Brian Wilson at 424-3341.
Good news! The national USDA Rural Development office has finished reviewing our loan application. USDA is now moving forward with the steps necessary to commit the funds to our project and prepare the loan closing instructions. When these are complete and the paperwork signed, we will be able to move forward with construction. While this work is being done by USDA, the Village is in discussion with National Construction Inc. regarding schedule and cost options. A new construction timeline will be coming soon.
There have been a lot of rumors swirling around town about the new library project. As our partner in this project, we want you to have the correct information to share with others as you hear conversations about the new library.
The new Library and Community Center project is still happening. We are ready to move just as soon as loan approval is received from the USDA Rural Development program. Unfortunately, obtaining federal approval is taking longer than we would like.
This summer Village Administrator Brian Wilson and Library Director Bronna Lehmann have been routinely responding to USDA requests. The additional information provided has clarified and strengthened our application. USDA staff are actively working through the approval process and continue to be in communication with us.
We will provide an updated construction timeline once we have USDA loan approval. The delay may mean groundbreaking won’t happen until Spring 2020. We will move forward as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support for our new Library and Community Center. And please feel free to contact Bronna or Brian if you have questions.
A key component of the project -- USDA loan application approval -- has delayed the beginning of construction. This approval at the national level can take two or three weeks or sometimes it can take longer. Unfortunately for us, it is taking longer. Beginning work with USDA on our application was delayed due to the government shutdown. We know that the application we submitted at the end of March is being reviewed, but do not have a set time for an answer. The state USDA underwriters think we have a solid application and are working to guide it through the national level approval process.
All else is ready to go. As was planned, the project and property have been transferred from the Village to Belleville's Community Development Authority (CDA). The CDA is able to apply for the low interest USDA Rural Development loan to redevelop the blighted site (remember the old feed mill?). Using the CDA allows us to build the library sooner because the Village, due to other obligations, does not have the borrowing capacity for a project this size until 2023. Our low bidder, National Construction, continues to work with us through this delay.
Actual start of construction is dependent on when USDA allocates the money for the project, contractor availability, and whether the delay is long enough to require re-bidding the project. Once we have USDA approval, a new timeline will be developed and shared with the public.
This project has taken a lot of determination and patience. Apparently it will take even more patience as we wait for USDA. Thank you for your support on this long path to our wonderful new Library and Community Center.
Please feel free to contact Library Director Bronna Lehmann 424-1812 or Village Administrator Brian Wilson 424-3341 with questions.