Check out a mobile hotspot with your library card, and take the internet home with you. The hotspot provides an internet signal that you can use pretty much anywhere.
Who can check it out?
Patrons with an adult library card and Belleville as their home library can check out the hotspot.
How long can I keep it?
The hotspot can be checked out for 7 days. Renewals aren't allowed.
How much will it cost me?
Nothing, as long as you return it on time and in good condition. Late fees are $5 per day, and the replacement cost is $100 if you lose or damage the hotspot. Service may be suspended if you do not return the device on time.
How much data can I use?
The hotspot provides unlimited data usage.
How do I get the hotspot?
Ask a librarian at the Desk.
Hotspots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If one is available, you can check it out immediately. Otherwise, you can put your name on a waiting list.
Once your name has been placed on the waiting list, you and other members of your household can’t be added again until after you have borrowed and returned a hotspot.
You must be present to pick up the hotspot yourself, or contact the library to authorize someone else to pick it up for you.
Access to this resource was made possible by funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the CARES ACT.